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Sending Invoices to Yardi
Sending Invoices to Yardi

This article will show you how to post payments from Rabbet to Yardi

Derek Foresman avatar
Written by Derek Foresman
Updated over 2 months ago

Posting Payments to Yardi

Once all documents in your draw have been reviewed and assigned properly to the budget line items, and you are ready to finalize the draw, the last step is to post invoice payments to your accounts payable system.

Navigate to the Payments tab within your current draw to view your payable documents:

Note that the Payment functionality is gated by a user-level permission setting. If you do not see this tab, contact your Rabbet administrator for permission.

Verify the correct Vendor Payment Type has been auto-classified by Rabbet for each vendor from the drop down menu (explanations below):

  • Direct Pay - documents containing soft cost line items will be auto-classified as such under payment type by default

  • Do Not Pay Directly - documents with this payment type will not receive any payment directly from Accounts Payable and will not be sent to the accounts payable system.

It is important to understand how each Vendor Payment Type will affect the 'Payment Amount' column:

  • Any document set as 'Direct Pay' will take the 'Documented Amount (Net)' and copy it under 'Payment Amount' and will be posted in Yardi.

  • Any document set as 'Do Not Pay Directly' will show $0.00 under 'Payment Amount' and will not be posted in Yardi.

Posting Payments

Once you've verified that each document to be posted to accounts payable has the correct vendor payment type for that document and vendor, click 'Post' to push this information to your accounts payable system. Note that you can either individually post payments by clicking the grey 'Post' button next to the 'Status' column, or you can post all payments within the draw at once by clicking the blue 'Post' button at the top right of your screen.

Payment Status

The 'Status' column will update from 'unposted' to 'posted' and this record will stay within the payments tab for that draw for future reference/confirmation.

If any changes or edits need to be made after posting payments, this must be performed in the accounts payable system. If necessary, you can make changes to a previously posted document by clicking "Reset" on the document(s) that require an edit.

It is important to note that by "re-posting" payments, you could be sending a duplicate invoice to the accounts payable system, so documents may need to be removed from the accounts payable system prior to "re-posting" payments from Rabbet.

What Information is Sent?

In addition to posting payment information to the accounts payable system, Rabbet will also include a copy of the Stamped Document for review within Yardi. This will include a copy of the payable document, and some additional information (vendor, address and document approvals) An example of the information available on the stamped document is below:

After Posting Payments

After successfully posting your payments in Rabbet, all posted payable documents will be automatically pushed into your company's connected Inbox. Those with access to Yardi will be able to confirm and review the documents that have been posted within this inbox.

Yardi Set-Up Without Job Cost Module (JCM)

If you are using Yardi without JCM, you will need to make three additions to your account in order to send information from Rabbet > Yardi Voyager.

  • Property IDs

In order to connect your Rabbet project to your Yardi property, you will need to input the "Property ID" into Rabbet via: Project Settings > Project Details > Custom ID:

Project setting project details custom ID

  • Job IDs

In addition to the required budget fields (division, line item, budget amount) you will also need to input a "Line Item Number" which will correspond with your "Job ID" within Yardi JCM:

These can either be entered within your Rabbet budget upload template (as shown above), or within your project budget by accessing the "Edit Original Budget" section:

  • GL Accounts

GL Accounts can be entered in one of two locations depending on the level of granularity that you are assigning within Yardi:

  • If you have a single GL Account per project/property, you should select that via Project Settings > Yardi Configuration as shown below:

Rabbet integrations settings GL account number
  • If you have multiple GL Accounts across one project, you will be able to associate those 1-to-1 with your Cost Categories (details in next section) to ensure invoices can be assigned directly to a GL via Rabbet's 'Job Cost Code' dropdown, see below:

Rabbet cost codes tab and cost code entry

Yardi Set-up With Job Cost Module (JCM)

If you are using Yardi's Job Cost Module, you will need to make one addition to your account in order to send information from Rabbet > Yardi Job Cost Module.

  • Cost Categories

Cost Category information will be sent to Yardi via your Rabbet "Job Cost Codes". By navigating to Reports > Cost Codes you will be able to set-up 1-to-1 mappings between your "job cost codes" and your Yardi JCM Cost Categories. In lieu of manually entering these codes, please reach out to your Rabbet Customer Success Manager to see if you are eligible for a bulk upload of job cost codes:

After confirming your job cost code mapping, you are able to associate these cost codes with your applicable invoices & pay applications via the job cost codes drop down as seen below:


Pay Applications

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