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Budget and Funding Projections
Budget and Funding Projections

The timing and funding of costs can be projected throughout the life of the project using the Projections tool

Tom Martin avatar
Written by Tom Martin
Updated over 4 months ago

After a budget has been added to Rabbet during project creation, utilize the Projections tool to forecast the timing of the costs. This tool provides a mechanism for setting spending parameters that simplify the projection process and provide clear cost visualizations.

Create a Projection

Navigate to the Projections tab within the project.

Projection set up

If the 'Expected Construction Start Date' and 'Expected Project Length (mo)' fields have not been completed in the 'Project Details' section on the Project Settings tab, then the projections tool will not function.

Project settings fields

Select the projection 'Curve Type', 'Start Month', and 'Duration'. These selections can be made at either the division or line item level.

Projections graph types curve, manual, linear

Click 'Save' at the top of the table. The projected costs by month for each budgeted line item amount will then populate on the table.

Projections details

The saved projection will also render a visual progress graph.

Projections Graph

Configure and Download Projection Data

Toggle the 'Original Projection' and 'Actuals + Updated Projection' columns in the table ON/OFF using the checkboxes at the top of the table.

projections configuration

Toggle the various graph lines ON/OFF by clicking on the line names at the top of the graph.

Projections Graph

Click 'Excel' to download a .xlsx file of the projection values.

Budget spent

Click 'Graph' to download a JPEG file of the projection graph.

Funding Sources Projections

When funding sources are configured for a project, the Projections tab will also outline the funding breakdown of the cost projection. Toggle to the 'Funding Sources' view at the top of the Projections tab.

funding source bar graph

The 'Uses of Funds' feature for Funding Sources must be configured for this tool to populate. Navigate to the 'Funding Sources' section of the Project Settings tab.

Funding source settings

Learn more about how actuals and budget changes affect both budget cost and funding sources projections.

Rabbet will alert you to insufficient funds based on the line items budgeted amounts and funding source configurations. These alerts occur outline discrepancies at both the project and single funding source level.

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