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Document Approvals, History and Reviews

With flexible approval, assignment and commenting on documents your internal workflows and organization will be made simple and central.

Tom Martin avatar
Written by Tom Martin
Updated over 3 months ago

Basic Document Review Configuration

To take advantage of the document approval and collaboration features, these tools must first be enabled for the project. Navigate to the 'Project Settings' tab and open the 'User Access' section.

Note- users must first have project access and signatory permission. This can be assigned via the Admin tab under user permissions.

Select one or more document reviewers for the project. Note that document reviewers differ from overall draw reviewers. Click 'Save Changes'.

Approval Order

After adding the user's project access you will also have the ability to set approval order. NOTE if no approval order is selected any reviewer can approve at any time and will need to use the collaboration features to tag users for them to receive a notification.

Setting approval order will send an email notification to the following users once the prior user approves the document. This will also lock a user's approval on the document so only they can remove the approval.

Collaborate on a Document Using the 'Approve', 'Review', and 'Comment' Tools

For most Rabbet users, multiple people need to access and review supporting documents during the draw packaging cycle. Rabbet provides maximum flexibility to users when collaborating on documents through a variety of document actions.

Approve - a document reviewer may have the ability to offer final "approval" for an invoice or supporting document depending on their reviewer settings (see below).

Review - this button allows you to signal to other document collaborators that you have completed your work and review of the invoice.

Add Comment - comments can be added to documents so that you can record and communicate important information about the invoice or other supporting documents.

Collaborate on a Document Using the 'Assign To' Function

The 'Assign To' function facilitates document collaboration by allowing you to assign the review of a document to a colleague after you have completed your work.

For example, User A is responsible for adding a documents to Rabbet and assigning that document to the budget line item. User B wants to review the supporting document for the draw before it is shared with any outside parties. User A should "assign" the document to User B after it has been upload.

If approval order has been created User 1 will approve the document. Once complete User 2 will receive an email notification to go in an do their approval.

Navigate to the 'Documents' tab within the draw. Click on the document that needs to be reviewed by your collaborator. Using the table actions button you can add columns as needed to show, Assigned to, Last approval, and Next Approval.

Inside the document assignment modal, click on the 'Assign To' button. Select the user that next needs to access and review this document.

Once you have assigned documents to a colleague, you can easily send them a notification with an optional message to get their attention.

Any document reviews assigned to you will also appear on the portfolio dashboard when logging into Rabbet.

Note - if the 'Assign To' functionality is disabled in your account, contact Rabbet Support or your Customer Success Manager to request enablement.

Configure Document Approval Permission

Many Rabbet customers have internal authority controls for invoice management and draw packaging. Rabbet facilitates and provides a system of record for those controls through user permission settings. For example, the development manager has authority to approve invoices <$50k. Invoices greater than >$50k must be approved by the director of development.

Updates to user permission can ONLY be made by the system administrator. Navigate to the 'Admin' portal in your Rabbet account.

Click on the name of the user to open a slide-out on which his or her document approval authority can be adjusted.

Toggle the 'Approve Documents' permission ON/OFF. Also provide full or limited (by $ amount) document approval authority. Click 'Save'.

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