Anticipated Cost Report
Rabbet's default "Anticipated Cost Report" view has a number of columns available that will allow you to forecast your project's anticipated costs across the life of the job.
To access this default view within your project's budget, navigate to the Project > Budget > Anticipated Cost Report, as shown below:
Within this view you will see 6 default columns available for your use, which are detailed below:
Total Commitments = Cost Estimate = The greater of the Current Budget, Amount Requested (Gross), or (Total Commitments + PCOs + Exposures)
Out of Contract = The sum of Invoice amounts not fully tracked to Agreements (For more information on tracking costs to your agreements, see this article)
PCOs & Exposures = The sum of all Exposures and Potential Change Orders
Cost Estimate = This column looks at what is greater between your Current Budget and your Total Agreements
Current Budget Variance = Current Budget - Cost Estimate
Original Budget Variance
There is also the default report for 'Original Budget Variance' that displays many of the same columns with the addition of the Original Budget Variance column. This column calculates where your original budget stands against your cost estimate.
Note: this view is only available for Premium subscription tier users.
In addition to these default columns, Rabbet allows you to add additional columns into your own customized view. If you need a refresher on how to create and manage your customized views, please refer to the article below:
After you navigate to the "Customize Columns" button, you can search for the following available columns:
Balance to Fund = Current Budget - Amount Requested (Net)
Total Agreements = This sums all of your Agreements including PCOs, Exposures
Agreement Variance = This column calculates where your budget stands in comparison to your Agreements
Exposures Forecast = This column assumes that your budget does not cover any PCOs, Exposures (or Out of Contract, if applicable) costs to find the maximum impact exposures could have on your project
Exposure Overages = This column calculates where your Exposure Forecast is going to impact your budget the most
Total Uncommitted = The balance of uncommitted funds (Current Budget - Total Commitments (and - Out of Contract costs, if applicable)
Note: Columns that include (Out of Contract, if applicable) are related to our Tracking Cost to Agreements feature for Premium subscription tier users. To learn more, please reference the article below.
Do you have questions or feedback? Please email us at or contact your Customer Success Manager.