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Automatic Rules Review Index

Review this article to learn how the automatic rules performed by Rabbet are designed

Tom Martin avatar
Written by Tom Martin
Updated over 3 months ago

Table of Contents:

Project Required Documentation

Line items drawing more than $(X) are fully supported by documentation- Rabbet verifies line items requested set at a specific dollar amount are supported by uploaded documentation.

Require certificate of builder's risk - Rabbet verifies that a document assigned as 'certificate of builder's risk' exists in the project-level documents.

Require certificate of general liability insurance for the general contractor - Rabbet verifies that a document assigned as 'certificate of general liability insurance' exists in the project-level documents.

When project has reached 100% completion, request notice of completion and certificate of occupancy - Rabbet will ask for certificate of occupency once project has reached completion.

*Note that unlike other document rules, these next two rules require assigning additional document types to 'Pay Application' documents rather than line items or vendors:

Require a bill of sale if a pay application has stored materials - this rule alerts you that a ‘pay application’ document with a value in the 'stored materials' field must be linked to a supporting 'bill of sale' document type. The link is selected when completing the 'bill of sale' document fields.

Require insurance if a pay application has stored materials - this rule alerts you that a ‘pay application’ document with a value in the 'stored materials' field must be linked to a supporting 'insurance certificate' document type. The link is selected when completing the 'insurance certificate' document fields.

Draw Required Documentation

Draw does not have a Notice to Owner - Rabbet verifies whether or not a draw has a Notice to Owner.

Require cover sheet for this draw - Rabbet verifies that a document assigned as 'draw cover sheet' exists in the active draw documents.

Require inspection report for this draw - Rabbet verifies that a document assigned as 'inspection report' exists in the active draw documents. 

Require title report on this draw - Rabbet verifies that a document assigned as 'title report' exists in the active draw documents.

General Contractor Pay Applications in previous draws are fully covered by unconditional lien waivers- Rabbet verifies GC pay applications amounts are fully covered by unconditional lien waivers

All Pay Applications in previous draws are fully covered by unconditional lien waivers- Rabbet verifies ALL pay applications are covered by lien waivers.

Require a change order document if this draw has any net project budget adjustments - Rabbet verifies that a document assigned as 'Change Order' is assigned to any budget adjustment made.

Document Information

The sum of a vendor's conditional lien waivers for a line item must match the sum of all invoiced amounts for that same vendor and line item - The sum of all invoiced amounts for a vendor must match the sum of a vendor's conditional lien waivers.

Do not allow duplicate invoice numbers for the same vendor on this project - you will be alerted if the invoice number on a document assigned to a given vendor matches the assigned invoice number on a different document for that same vendor.

First Hard Cost draw requires foundation endorsement - you will be alerted if a foundation endorsement is required on a specific draw.

*Note that Rabbet stops running this rule once a draw is sent or marked funded

Require a change order if a line item has an adjustment of more than $(X) - this rule alerts you if a document assigned as 'Change Order' has not been assigned to any budget adjustment over a specified amount.

Require a lien waiver if a hard cost line item is being drawn more than $(X) - this rule alerts you that a lien waiver document (conditional and unconditional) should be assigned to a line item when that line item has an amount requested greater than the amount configured for the rule.

Require a lien waiver for all vendors with a notice to owner document - All vendors with a notice to owner document are required to have a lien waiver.

If retainage is reduced for a vendor, require a retainage release form on the relevant line item(s) - this rule alerts you that a 'retainage release' document type must be assigned to the relevant line item and vendor when the ‘retainage to date’ has decreased for that line item.

Requested retainage matches the percentage on the agreement- Retainage expected within an agreement matches the vendor's line item retainage expected.

Subcontractor documentation fully backs up all line item amounts on the GC's pay app - All line item amounts on the GC's pay app are fully backed up by subcontractor documentation.

The vendor's invoiced amount on a line item does not exceed the sum of agreements for that vendor on the same line item - Checks to make sure that the amount invoiced on a vendor's line item does not exceed the sum of all agreements for that vendor on the same line item.

Line Item Amounts

Requested amount on the draw cover sheet matches the requested amount in the budget - this rule passes when the 'current amount requested' in the draw matches the value assigned to the 'draw cover sheet' document.

No line item's amount requested to date (gross) is greater than it's inspected completion - this rule assures that no line item's requested to date amount will be greater than it's inspected completion.

*Note that this rule will fail if the inspected percentage is more than 1% lower than the percentage requested. The rule will also pass for lines that have no inspection value entered at all, even if there is a requested amount.

Percent complete from the inspection report is within %(X) of hard costs percent complete - you will be alerted when the difference (plus or minus) between the 'percent complete' field on the 'inspection report' document and the hard costs percent complete is more than the percentage points configured for the rule. 

(hard costs percent complete) = (gross hard costs requested) / (total hard costs for current budget)

Interest reserves remaining is sufficient to complete the project - this rule passes when the 'balance to fund' in an interest reserve line item is greater than the expected total future draws on the interest reserve; the expected total future draws is based on the 'current amount requested' in the active draw. 

*Note that an interest reserve line item is identified by Rabbet based on the configurations in project settings

Line item's requested to date amount does not exceed the sum of agreements for that line item - Checks to confirm that the requested to date amount within a line item does not exceed the sum of agreements for that line item.

The sum of agreements for line items do not exceed the line item's budget amount - Checks to confirm that the sum of agreements for a line item does not exceed the line item's budget amount.

Line items have a remaining balance greater than or equal to $0 - this rule notifies you that a line item has been overdrawn.

The project is at risk of being more than (X) days behind schedule - You will be alerted if the project is more than the number of days configured in the rule behind schedule; the project schedule is determined by comparing the hard costs percent complete to the expected percent complete:

(hard costs percent complete) = (gross hard costs requested) / (total hard costs for current budget)
(expected percent complete) = (time since project start) / (expected length of project)

Note that the ‘expected length of project’ and ‘expected project start date’ fields must be populated in the 'Project Settings'


Percent of contingency exhausted is not more than 10% greater than project completion - this rule alerts you that any contingency line item has a percentage of funds used that is over 10 percentage points higher than the project completion percentage.

*Note the following details about this rule:

  • (project completion percentage) = (gross hard costs requested) / (total hard costs for current budget)

  • (contingency exhaustion) = (contingency used to date) / (total contingency in original budget) 

  • A contingency line item is identified by Rabbet based on the configurations in project settings

Retainage expected matches retainage requested - this rule alerts you when the draw 'retainage amount' for a line item does not equal the 'retainage percentage expected' as configured by you.

*Note that 'retainage percentage expected' is a verification tool only; the 'retainage amount' and 'current amount requested' for a line item are calculated using relevant data from the 'pay application'

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