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Portfolio Overview

Portfolio Overview Report

Tom Martin avatar
Written by Tom Martin
Updated over a week ago

Portfolio Overview is a convenient centralized report to observe what is taking place across the whole organization. Below is the break down of each section of the Portfolio Overview report and where the information can be located within projects:

Portfolio Composition

  • Product Type

Product Type is an overview of all projects classified by type. This is configured at the project level in Project Settings > Project Details

  • Region

Region is configured at the project level in Project Settings > Project Details

  • Borrower

Borrowers are configured at the project level in Project Settings > Stakeholders > Add Stakeholder

  • General Contractor

General Contractors are configured at the project level in Project Settings > Stakeholders > Add Stakeholder

Draw Processing Time

Draw Processing Time details the average days from draw submission to funding. Showing a portfolio average by days and detailing days since creation on each project.

Note: If a draw was ever marked "Withdrawn" or "Rejected", the processing time will be calculated from the date the draw was returned to "Active", or its submitted date, whichever is more recent; the draw will appear in that month.

Outstanding Projects

Outstanding Projects displays an overview of all active projects.

Team Allocation

Team Allocation displays projects assigned by team. Teams can be assigned in to projects in Project Settings > User Access > Project Team

User Activity

Schedule Risk

Schedule Risk tracks budget spent, schedule remaining, and schedule health. Schedule health is curated based on project start date and expected project length. This is configured in Project Settings > Project Details.

Contingency Risk

Contingency risk tracks budget spent, contingency spent, and contingency overage from each individual project.

Vendor Diversity

Vendor diversity is a full list of vendors and how many projects they are associated with in a portfolio.

Full Report View

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