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Project Overview

Comprehensive Guide to the Project Overview tab

Tom Martin avatar
Written by Tom Martin
Updated over 4 months ago

The Project Overview tab provides a comprehensive view of key project details. Here, users can gain insight into project specifics, navigate to key areas of the project, and collaborate, thereby increasing efficiency and reducing risk.

When opening a project in Rabbet, you will arrive at the project overview page. The details here will be at the project level. You will have an overview of the project and will be able to drill down further into the draw level.

Project Overview Dashboard

The tiles on this page are customizable according to your individual needs. Tiles can be rearranged or hidden using the 'Customize' option. They can be unhidden in the same way.

Project Overview Dashboard


The collaboration slide-out on the right-hand side of the screen is where you will find your list of 'to-dos' and @mentions from other team members.

Project Overview Collaboration

Project Overview Project Chat

Project Details

The Project Details tile provides an overview of the project address, square footage, and stakeholders. Selecting the arrow will bring you to the project details section of project settings. Selecting "View all Stakeholders" will bring you to the stakeholders section of project settings.

Project details

Current Draw

The 'Current Draw' tile provides an overview of the most recently created draw. You will see the draw status, amount requested, and progress. The green icon under progress represents good standing and completion. The yellow icon represents areas of the draw still needing review and completion. The arrow in the upper right corner will navigate the user the the draw overview page.

Project current draw details

Draw History

Draw History is where you will find a list of all draws in the project. You will see their status, date, and amount. From here, you will be able to navigate to any draw in the project.

Project draw history


The Budget tile provides an overview of the project's budget. It lists the current budget total, total of budget changes, contingency used percent, and cost breakdown by budget divisions. Selecting the arrow in the upper right corner will navigate you to the project budget tab.

Project Budget details

Funding Sources

The Funding Sources tile provides an overview of all sources on the project, the amount drawn, and the balance remaining. The arrow in the upper right corner will navigate you to the funding source section of project settings.

Project funding source detail

Schedule Risk

The Schedule Risk tile displays how the project is tracking based on the project's expected start date and expected duration, set in project settings > project details under expected project length, and the percent of hard costs complete, based on hard costs total funded in draws. You will have the option to view a linear graph or S-curve depending on needs. The trend line will be green 0-5 , yellow 5-9, and red 10+. The arrow in the upper right corner will navigate users to the project budget tab.

Project schedule risk graph

Contingency Risk

The Contingency Risk tile provides details on hard cost contingency used and hard cost contingency complete. The arrow in the upper right corner will navigate the user to the project budget tab.

Project Contingency risk graph

Contingency Usage

The Contingency Usage tile provides and overview of percent contingency used and remaining contingency. The arrow in the upper right corner will navigate the user to the project budget tab.

Project contingency usage graph and totals

Task & Timeline

The Task & Timeline tile provides the timeline chart and displays tasks in progress and dates for completion. The arrow in the upper right corner will navigate users to the Task & Timeline tab.

Project task and timeline details

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