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Managing Stakeholders
Managing Stakeholders

Link affiliated organizations to your project. Assign individuals to those organizations for easy reference and communication.

Tom Martin avatar
Written by Tom Martin
Updated over 3 months ago

Review the 'Organizations' in your Rabbet account

All vendors, inspectors, lenders, borrowers, etc. that have ever been created by a user in your account can be found on the 'Organizations' page. Individuals associated with those 'Organizations' can also be added and reviewed by clicking on the Organization name. 

Common ways in which 'Organizations' are created include: assigning a document to a new vendor when preparing a draw and adding funding sources to a project. There are other ways to create 'Organizations' during your normal Rabbet workflow.

Add organization Stakeholders to your project

Navigate to the 'Project Settings' within the project. Open the 'Stakeholder' dropdown list and click 'Add Stakeholder'. 

Select the stakeholder from the current 'Organization' list that exists within your Rabbet account and then indicate the 'Project Role' for the Stakeholder. 

If the Stakeholder organization does not currently exist, click 'Add new...' to complete the applicable fields in the 'Create New Organization' modal and click 'Submit'.

Once the 'Organization' and 'Project Role' fields are selected, a list of contacts from that organization will populate on the modal. Select the contacts that are individual stakeholders on the project and click 'Add Selected'.

If the desired contact does not populate, click 'Add New Member to...' to complete the fields on the 'Add New Member' modal and click 'Add Member'. 

The stakeholder organizations and the appropriate contacts now appear in the 'Stakeholders' section of 'Project Settings'.

Did you know that configuring the project GC as a stakeholder enables high valuable features? Learn more about this configuration in this article:

Edit or remove Stakeholders on a project

Click the 'X' to remove an entire Stakeholder organization and its member contacts.

Click the pencil to open the 'Edit Stakeholder(s)' modal. Edit organization details, including addition or removal of member contacts from that organization, and click 'Save Changes'.

Select Stakeholders when submitting a Draw

Once the draw package is ready to be sent, click 'Send Draw'. Check out this article for a detailed explanation of submitting a draw.

On the 'Select the Stakeholders...' screen in the 'Send Draw' wizard, select the Stakeholders to whom the draw should be sent. 

If the applicable organization contacts do not populate, click 'Add Project Stakeholder'. See above for additional detail regarding organization and member creation. 

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