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Uploading a Draw Summary

Upload any Excel draw summary with Rabbet's intuitive parsing tool.

Stephen Crawford avatar
Written by Stephen Crawford
Updated over 3 months ago

A draw summary is a document that is typically included in a draw package by a borrower that gives a budget line item breakdown of all the amounts requested, retainage amounts, and any adjustments included in the current draw request. Rabbet has the ability to read and import a draw summary document's contents with simple automations for efficient draw review.

Whenever you add an Excel draw summary document to a draw and view the upload in the document review modal, Rabbet will automatically open the draw summary parsing tool. This is where you will be able to map the contents of your draw summary sheet directly into your draw's Line Items table.

This article will explain how to input all of the information Rabbet needs in order to import and read your draw summary.

Note: Rabbet's draw summary parsing tool works on MS Excel documents and PDFs.

Document Information & Draw Summary Options

Rabbet will auto-classify Excel draw summaries and enable the parsing tool in document review, but be sure to check the document type on the draw summary upload if you do not see the parsing tool appear.

After the document type has been confirmed, selections regarding how the retainage, amounts requested, and budget adjustments are represented in the draw summary must be made in order to pull in your draw information accurately.


  • To Date - adjustments/re-allocations are represented as all the adjustments made up to the current date

  • This Period - adjustments/re-allocations are represented as only the adjustments made in the current draw period

  • Current Budget - only the project budget as it stands currently is represented in the draw summary and adjustments are not broken out or listed. (Note that any discrepancies between the previous draw's budget and the 'Current Budget' on the draw summary will be automatically calculated and logged in Rabbet as a 'Current Adjustment' in your draw's Line Items table.)

Amount Requested:

  • Gross - retainage is included in the amounts requested on each line item

  • Net - retainage is not included in the amounts requested on each line item


  • To Date - retainage is represented as all the total retainage held on each line item so far in the project

  • This Period - retainage is represented only as the amount of retainage in this current draw

  • No Retainage - draw summary does not record any retainage amounts

Draw Summary Information

This section is where you will map the contents of your draw summary onto your Rabbet budget and automatically pull the relevant information into your draw's Line Items table.

Make sure that the correct sheet is selected from your draw summary document if your original Excel document has multiple sheets in it, and select the columns from the dropdown menu that correspond to the columns in your draw summary document.

The line items column on the far left is a reproduction of the line items and divisions as they are currently in your project budget. The green 'Line Item from Document' column is where your draw summary line items will be automatically matched to your budget line items.

Once the appropriate columns have been selected from your draw summary document, you are able to review the contents Rabbet will be pulling in from your draw summary document.

Click 'Save' and your draw summary will automatically update the draw's Line Items table. Your draw summary mapping done in the first draw will save and automatically carry over into future draw summary uploads and should continue to match the contents successfully unless something has changed in the format of the draw summary.

Resolving Discrepancies in your Draw Summary

In the event that there is a discrepancy between the line items in your draw summary document and the Rabbet budget, the parsing tool gives you options and tools to troubleshoot the discrepancy and ensure the draw summary gets imported properly. Below are various discrepancy scenarios you may encounter and how to resolve them.

What if line items are missing from my draw summary?

If a draw summary is uploaded that is missing line items from the original budget, the missing line item and all the line items below it may not map properly and will show up as blank:

If the line item is missing from the draw summary in error, make the corrections needed in the original draw summary document before uploading again.

If any line items are intentionally not present in the draw summary use the drop down box to select 'Not present Ignore' this will this will allow the draw summary to be completed and applied to the draw total.

What if line items have been added to the draw summary?

If there are new line items on your draw summary that are not currently in the budget these can be added by navigating to the division > create new line item. This will add the line item to the draw and original budget.

What if I need to change a line item total?

The totals pulled in for any column can be edited by simply clicking the number. This will display a box for you to enter in the needed total.

What if the original budget line item order has changed in my draw summary?

If the draw summary has all the same line items from the original budget, but listed in a different order or under different divisions, the division that has missing or re-ordered line items will display as blank as seen below. You may manually make a line item selection from the dropdown menu to resolve a blank line item:

If the line item re-ordering on the draw summary is a permanent change to the order of the line items in your budget, you may edit your project-level budget to reflect this change if you have the permission to do so, or contact your Rabbet admin to make the necessary changes to your budget. (See article link above.)

What if there is a typo or line item name change in my draw summary?

If the line item in the draw summary document doesn't exactly match the line item in your Rabbet budget, the line item from document field will show as blank and you are able to manually select the correct line item from the drop down menu:

In this scenario, the original Rabbet budget line item name will persist in the Line Items table and will not be overridden by the new line item name. If the line item name change is a permanent change in your budget, you may edit your project-level budget to reflect this change if you have the permission to do so, or contact your Rabbet admin to make the necessary changes to your budget. (See article link above.)

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