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Budget Upload

How to upload your project's budget to Rabbet.

Tom Martin avatar
Written by Tom Martin
Updated over 4 months ago

If you haven't created a project yet and need guidance, click here to review our article on how to create new projects in Rabbet.

Uploading a Budget During Project Creation

You can upload your budget by imputing it in the Rabbet template, or you can manually create your budget in Rabbet with our Budget Builder, or by copying a budget from a previous project. This article addresses the 'Upload Your Budget' option only.

Project creation upload budget file

Upload the budget using the Rabbet default template

Click 'Download Template' to obtain a blank copy of the Rabbet budget Excel format. Follow the instructions on the Excel spreadsheet to input the budget line items, divisions and budgeted amounts, and either drag and drop your saved Rabbet budget from your document finder onto the upload pad or click 'Select File' to upload your budget.

project creation download budget template

excel budget template

The Columns for 'Line Item Type' 'Line Item Category' and 'Expected Retainage' will be located in Project Settings > Line Items Settings.

project settings line item settings

Once the file has been uploaded, Rabbet will automatically allow you to view your budget. In this step, you can review the divisions, line items and amounts extracted from the Excel budget. Make any necessary updates, and click 'Submit Budget'.

Project budget line items

Uploading Budgets from Projects Created Without Budgets

To upload a budget for a project that is already created you can Use the budget tab selection or add budget option under budget overview, both option will bring you to the budget tab.

project overview budget highlighted

Once on the project budget tab select either enter information manually or upload budget from existing file.

Choosing to upload a budget file will bring you back into the regular budget upload flow to download the Rabbet template and complete as usual.

budget upload via file upload

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