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CSV Upload to Rabbet
CSV Upload to Rabbet

Using a CSV file to upload and create invoices in Rabbet

Tom Martin avatar
Written by Tom Martin
Updated over a year ago

To upload a CSV file for automatic invoice and agreement creation in Rabbet you will need to ensure the following format is followed for the CSV file. Each column will need to be in the following format for successful upload:

Work Order Column Format With Agreement

Purchase Order Column Format With Agreement

Agreement Format

Helpful Formatting Tips

  • Data Accuracy: The text that Rabbet parses from the file (Description & Vendor Name) must match EXACTLY with the corresponding input within Rabbet. This includes case/spacing.

  • Issue Date: Cannot contain a timestamp (00:00) and should read as X/X/XXXX.

  • Cost: Cannot contain "()" to indicate negative $ amounts. It should read as "-$XX.XX".

  • Cost: Cannot contain wrapping quotations " " in the cost. Example: "$XX.XX"

  • CSV Line item# and Vendor# must be set in Rabbet prior to uploading as this is the information Rabbet will use to assign line item and vendor.

Uploading You CSV File For Agreements

To begin Uploading you CSV agreements file you will follow the normal steps for agreements up load. Navigate to the agreements tab and select 'Add Agreement' then use the 'Select File" button or draw and drop your CSV file to upload.

The agreements will begin to populate in the Agreements tab Displaying all pertinent information from the CSV document.

Uploading your CSV Files For Invoices Tied to agreements

To begin uploading the CSV file, you will follow the normal steps for document uploads. See Add Documents to a Draw for additional details.

Navigate to the documents and select 'Add Documents' Then use the 'Select File' button or drag and drop the CSV file to upload.

The invoices will begin to populate in your 'Documents' tab, displaying the Vendor, and Current Amount Requested.

Open your invoice and scroll to the agreements section and here you will see it has also been assigned to the existing agreements using the 'Agreement Name' column on the CSV.

From here you will review the extracted information by expanding each invoice and completing any remaining assignments.

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